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蘋果日報 2014年7月31

【英國觀察日記】摺紙藝術✕倫敦珍奶 品牌跨界創作

英國打工度假正夯!來自臺灣的摺紙藝術家黃思詠 Daa Huang,自創品牌「嘖嘖嘖」,擅長以不同材質來詮釋摺紙,Daa Huang 更將創作觸角延伸到飲品界,與倫敦知名台灣珍珠奶茶品牌 Milk Tea & Pearl 合作,聯手打造東倫敦新口味!致力於將摺紙藝術帶入日常生活中,挑戰一般人對摺紙的刻板印象,推出摺紙珍珠項鍊、限定版蔬籤、BUBBLE ZOO 等三組新作品。 今年夏天在倫敦喝台灣珍奶、支持台灣藝術:看 Daa Huang 如何超譯摺紙,打造出奇幻的摺紙世界。

By Secret City Deals / 1 February 2015

Bringing a Delicious Taste of Taiwan to London

Milk Tea & Pearl have a passion like no other, and it’s this bond which helps bring the unique taste of Taiwan to London. If you’re feeling a little bit daring, why not try one of there new delicious cocktail bubble tea recipes? Priced at only £5 each these are guaranteed to tantalise your taste buds! cocktail-bubble-tea

By Guestlist / August 10, 2013

Milk Tea & Pearl in Shoreditch

Guestlist pounced at the chance to check out the latest craze in tea, at Milk Tea & Pearl in Shoreditch. We were greeted with a colourful, bright, friendly environment where the pleasant staff offered us the choice to sit indoors or outdoors in the sunshine.  Once we sat down we had three different flavours of bubble tea to try; Assam Black Milk Tea with Tapioca Pearls, Scarlet Honey Oolong Tea with Grape Jelly and Passion Fruit Green Tea with Mango Pubbles..

tikichris / August 5, 2013

BOGOF Bubble Tea at Milk Tea & Pearl Shoreditch

Fruity and refreshing, I reckon bubble tea’s an ideal summer beverage. Gooey and chewy tapioca pearls in your drink are a lot of fun too. I got to sample some of the flavours and topping (loved the lychee jelly) I worked out a sweet little 2for1/BOGOF deal with the Milk Tea & Pearl folks that’s offer that’s good for the whole month of August. All ya gotta do is mention “tikichris” at the counter when visiting the Boxpark outlet of Milk Tea & Pearl.

By Red Scarf / August 1, 2013

【Milk Tea & Pearl】东伦敦的台湾奶茶新秀

Shoreditch High Street Overground站外的Boxpark二层..一共要了 Coconut(椰子)、Passion Fruit Green Tea(百香果绿茶味)、English Toffee Black Tea(太妃英国早餐茶味)和Assam Black Milk Tea(原味)。..如果你觉得味道不重,或者味道太浓,请一定不要不好意思叫店员帮你“改”甚至“重做”,因为这是他们的一个“承诺”,每一杯饮品都要保证顾客满意..一直到8月底,只要你去Shoreditch的新店购买任意一款珍珠奶茶,就可以买一赠一,只要提及Red Scarf即可。

By DOVILE MAL / May 10, 2013

Milk Tea & Pearl

Today I’ve got chance to try very delicious tea from Taiwan. With a plethora of tempting flavours including coconut, taro milk, passionfruit, lychee and jasmine, Milk Tea & Pearl is fashionable heaven for bubble tea fans and newbies alike and also the first company in London completely dedicated to creating authentic Taiwanese bubble tea. Now Milk Tea & Pearl are thrilled to announce the opening of its second UK store in BoxPark.

By Jo Romero / November 13, 2012

What’s all the fuss about bubble tea?

We asked Nung Arnold Lin, manager of Milk Tea and Pearl in London about the origins of bubble tea: 'I remember when I was a boy there was a year when bubble tea became overwhelmingly popular all of a sudden,' he told us. Apparently, bubble tea was invented when a dessert shop wanted to avoid waste. 'They put left-over tapioca balls into iced milk teas at the end of the day to serve customers', Nung said. 'And customers loved it!'.

By 红领巾 / June 26, 2012

【红领巾点评】台湾珍珠奶茶Milk Tea & Pearl

前几天在微博上见到了一个看上去很不错的珍珠奶茶店,叫“Milk Tea & Pearl”,就在伦敦市区的牛津街附近。它们家号称卖正宗的台湾口味饮料,店内还经常与年轻的艺术家合作并定期举办展览。非常推荐他们的Jelly系列。Angel Jelly是透明色的用爱玉冻做的,像晶莹的果冻一样,佐上蜜汁,非常赞!那熟悉的味道让我想起了小时候在街边吃的甜凉粉(可惜年代久远我记不清当时怎么称呼它的了)。而Demon Jelly则是烧仙草。

By holdtheanchoviesplease / November 29, 2011

Bubble Tea

Bored with your regular tea? How about throwing in some tapioca to liven it up a bit? Thought so. But wait, bear with me, it tastes better than it sounds. It begins life as a red or green tea, it’s given an injection of fruit syrup and it’s topped off with the tapioca pearls which taste like toffee Haribo without being too sweet. This can be sipped hot or cold. Suck up these gummy marbles with an oversized straw, chew, and you’ve just sampled bubble tea.


Secret City Deals - "Mouthwatering Plethora of Flavours"
Secret City Deal
All in London - "What all the cool kids are into!"
"Tapioca pearls and jellied teas"
All in London
Milk Tea & Pearl - The new tea craze!
All in London
Milk Tea & Pearl - 7 reviews
All in London